• Mindfulness-Related Workshops

    Our Mindfulness programmes are guided by the principles of Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn, who is widely recognised as the pioneer of modern mindfulness, and the founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme.

  • Self-Care at Work (2 days)

    We believe that being productive at work shouldn’t come at the expense of your health and wellbeing. Besides taking better care of yourself at the workplace, you can also learn to foster strong bonds with your co-workers and design your day to improve your focus and performance.

  • Effective Communication (1 day)

    Conflict at the workplace often arises from communication - or rather - miscommunication. Co-workers may say a thing not knowing that he or she has actually conveyed a different meaning through an inadvertent choice of verbal or body language, or other non-linguistic cues.

  • Improving your Sleep Quality

    Chao Psychology offers a 3-hour workshop grounded in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). Besides learning evidence-based strategies, you can also learn about simple lifestyle changes you can make to improve your sleep quality.

  • Preparing for Workplace Re-entry during COVID-19

    Chao Psychology provides support to help you manage the challenges with returning to work. Whether you’re an employee who is worried about job security, or in management that is concerned about staff well-being and productivity, we have services and programmes that cater to your needs.

  • Relaxation Techniques

    While stress is a part of our everyday life, at times it can be overwhelming. In this talk, learn about practical techniques to relax when this happens. We will teach participants a variety of techniques such as mental and therapeutic relaxations techniques.

  • Mental Resilience

    Resilience is an important protective factor in our daily struggles against stress. Everybody has the capacity within themselves to build mental resilience! In this talk, experience “experiential learning” in a group setting as we learn psychological strategies to build mental strength and to face the challenges that life throws at you.

  • EQ and Stress

    Did you know that our Emotional Quotient (EQ) is linked to our ability to deal with stressful situations? In this talk, we will discuss methods to recognise your own feelings and the feeling of others, express your emotions appropriately and help others do the same as we explore the thought-belief system model.

  • Positive Psychology

    Positive Psychology looks at the factors that allow humans to thrive. It is a relatively new, but fast-growing area in Psychology. Learn to identify your strengths and develop them, as well as improve your positive emotions towards yourself and others.

  • Understanding Burnout

    Feeling fatigued, irritable and apathetic - these may be signs of burnout in office workers. Burnout can greatly affect our well-being. In this talk, learn more about identifying symptoms of burnout, techniques to manage stress and ways to seek help if you think you are experiencing burnout.

  • Understanding Depression and Anxiety

    Some of us may experience symptoms of depression and anxiety, yet not be aware of it! Learn how to identify such hidden symptoms of depression and anxiety and recognise these silent “killers” through engaging activities in a safe space.

  • Managing Family Stress

    Mounting stress in the family, when unresolved, can lead to a breakdown in the parent-child relationship. In this talk, you will learn parenting skills and how to connect with your children at their different life stages. You will also get the opportunity to role play the skills you learnt during the talk.

  • Positive Parenting

    Principles of positive parenting and how you can apply them to managing the behavioral and developmental concerns you have about your child will be shared! Suitable for parents with children under 16 years old.

  • Better Communication with your Child

    In parenting, communication is the most important aspect, and one of the most difficult to achieve. By communicating well, you’ll be able to establish stronger bonds with your little one. Some tips to keep in mind when communicating with your child will be taught during this seminar.

  • Managing Children’s Tantrums

    Tips on ways to handle a child’s tantrums appropriately will be provide throughout this seminar. Viewers will be provided with 5 step-by-step techniques that you can employ to handle your child’s tantrum. The importance of communicating with your child, and to wait out the tantrum if possible will also be talked about.

  • Managing Exam Stress using Mindful Learning

    Participants will learn how to improve attention and memory using psychological tools, study effectively and understand the science of learning, and manage exam studying stress.

  • Lego-Based Therapy

    Legos are a very useful and effective way of teaching children how to develop social skills! In our Lego-based Therapy sessions, your child will take on one of three different roles to learn collaborative play, cooperation, turn-taking, following rules, problem solving, and conversation skills.

  • Support Groups

    Members of a support group who share a problem come together to provide help, comfort, and guidance. This is led by a professional who guides the group and assists when required, often answering questions related to the topics. Meetings provide a place to discuss issues directly and indirectly relevant to their problem.

  • Understanding and Coping with Anxiety and Stress at Work

    This workshop aims to help normalise feeling anxious at the workplace and equipping participants with the skills to overcome their worries. Strategies based on the fundamentals of cognitive behavioural therapy will be taught to participants, helping them become aware of how their worries are affecting productivity, challenging unhelpful thoughts, and ways of coping with these thoughts.

  • Coping with Imposter Syndrome & Appropriate Goal-Setting

    In a workplace with many high-functioning colleagues, it is easy to succumb to feelings of incompetency and feeling like you don’t belong. Even if one has the credentials and has put in the work to get to where they are, many of us still suffer from the fate of these feelings of inadequacy due to the sky-high expectations for ourselves, only to become self-critical when we are not able to meet these expectations. This talk aims to normalise the feelings associated with imposter syndrome and teaching individuals to set goals that are appropriate and achievable.

  • Conflict Resolution

    Workplace conflict can lead to feelings of acrimony amongst colleagues and decreased productivity of the team. While conflict is a normal part of any organizational setting, developing conflict resolution skills can help maintain cohesion at the workplace. Difficulties at work might also be born out of avoiding conflicts as well. This talk aims to equip participants with communication and emotion regulation skills to handle conflicts, and how to approach conflicts rather than avoiding them.

  • Overcoming and Coping with Adjustment Difficulties

    Individuals experience stress in many different ways. For some, life-altering events, such as changing jobs or moving to a new place, can be extremely stressful to one but seem manageable to others. This is dependent on the types of coping strategies, life experiences, and level of support that one has. This talk aims to help individuals understand the difficulties of adjustments and how to alleviate the distress experienced.

  • Building and Improving Emotional Resilience

    Resilience is an important protective factor in our daily struggles against stress. Everybody has the capacity within themselves to build emotional resilience! By learning about and becoming aware of our emotions, we can better regulate them. In addition, strategies that will be taught include psychological flexibility and how to incorporate it into our work, and responding mindfully to emotions.

  • Meeting your Personal Financial Goals

    Spending money on nice items gives us a sense of satisfaction and achievement, yet one might still feel conflicted. We often end up spending more than we intend to and grow further away from our financial goals. Using principles from Acceptance & Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness, participants will learn to become aware of their spending habits and how to manage their finances such that it fits their values and goals.

  • Harnessing Motivation in our Everyday Lives

    Motivation is a process that guides and maintains our goal-oriented behaviours. This talk aims to educate individuals on what motivation is and how we can look at our lives from different perspectives to gain and harness motivation.